The archaeologists are the people who study human history and the prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains....
Ete Ubi Ekubi (1780-1900) was a Yakurr warrior, hunter, historian, motivational speaker and my own great grandfather. His skills were enormous among which is prowess in...
Correct me if I’m wrong. Some African culture and heritage shows the intelligence displayed by our ancient fathers. However, because we see ourselves as less beings,...
Our traditions of course vary from countries to countries and even communities. Well here’s a view of 4 unique and strange traditions that occur around the...
Religion is a set of beliefs or values adopted by people who are too scared of what answers they will find if they truly think for...
THE Garden of Eden’s area may have at long last been discovered gratitude to a revelation by a prehistorian in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher...
The documentation of Africa’s encounter with the European man, can not be complete without the mention of Sarah Baartman. Her case adds to the many crimes...
This huge reptile titan is native to South America. The green Anaconda weighs an impressive 550 pounds and spans between 20 and 30 feet making it...
Do you remember the most incredible thing you ever survived and still don’t understand how you did it? Did you know that people have survived some...
Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born on the 12th of May, 1886, in Lincoln County. The arrangement of the legs comprised of an outer leg paired with...