Following an unforeseen meltdown on social networking sites, internet users are worried about the psychological condition of Kimani Mbugua, who was once known for his work...
An Abuja school, Brickhall School, has been shut down for a week following the death of a four-year-old pupil, Miguel Ovoke, who was declared dead under...
American singer Doja Cat has caused an uproar online after she stormed the Met Gala wearing a wet T-shirt and bathroom towel. Many were excited to...
A married man has reportedly lost his life after engaging in s3xual intercourse with a married woman in Akure, the Ondo state capital. ‘X’ user, Bolanle...
A bank customer whose bike was stolen at GTB lju Road, Fagba, Lagos state created a tearful scene at the entrance of the bank. In a...
There was drama as some suspected kidnappers who abducted a pastor’s wife and two other persons in Ondo State slept off while conveying their victims. This...
The Adamawa State Government has postponed the resumption of schools for the third term following confirmation of a measles outbreak that killed 42 children. The disease...
A boy, Salako Olumide Kolapo, has expressed disappointment on social media over his UTME score. Lamenting on Facebook, Olumide revealed he scored 225 when he sat...
A heartbreaking story has emerged online, alleging a Nigerian mother’s unthinkable act of taking the lives of her three children after discovering her husband with another...
The family of a 16-year-old South African girl who died after drinking rat poison has revealed that she committed suicide after finding out she was born...