A young woman has gone online to bemoan her betrayal after discovering that her boyfriend is on the same dating platform as herself. The Twitter user...
A heartbreaking story about a married man who sets himself in his car on fire after his wife did not spend the night at home got...
A Nigerian man has made his wife very happy by buying her a brand new Toyota Corolla car.. The man identified as Solomon Adogo said it...
A Nigerian couple have reportedly ended their relationship of two years over the man’s reluctance to buy his girlfriend an iPhone 11.. According to the chat...
A Nigerian man in Australia has reportedly died after his house was set on fire by his estranged wife Sarah Mudge, who authorities said broke into...
Women who are in love: Women who are really in love cry during the sex. It makes them feel safe in the arms of the man...
Some people are having a difficult time in life and are unsure where to turn next. Is there anything in your past with a woman or...
This will be the very last time I will say this… do not try to impress a woman with your life, you might lose it. Woman...
Do not believe everything you see online is an advise some people give to those who live their lives off of social media standards. A Nigerian...
A side-chick has taken the kingdom of a legit legal wife as she announces to her that she is pregnant for their husband… She traded words...