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UNBELIEVABLE: Read What Happened To A Woman Who Left Her Husband And Children For A Rich man (Details below)



A 53 years old man and a father of three children lamented his wife left him for a man with unknown source of wealth.

According to the man. He came with his wife to the man’s house to secure a job for him because the man has been helping others that are jobless through the information his wife gave him.

She introduced him to the man officially as her husband and pleaded with the man to help him for a job. She thereafter left with the kids and promised to come back within a week.

The supposed helper agreed to help him at any cost , but left him for a tripe to Abuja. The man came back with some big men after three days. When he came back he told him to be patient because to get a lucrative job in the country needs endurance and patient.

The helper gives him pocket money every day with three square meals . He was carried away by the benevolence of the man even to an extent of forgetting his purpose of being there. The man which source of wealth was unknown to him displayed an ostentatious living life style.

This was because he changes flashy car that worth millions every day and comes back home with different kinds of people. All this while his wife have abandoned him with the man and never bother to know the level of work over his mission.

Surprisingly, the rich man which source of wealth is unknown was making a call with someone that was planing to use him for ritual. He heard the man discussing with the person in a fainted voice.

So he decided to escape out of the compound. He began to study the movement of the man who has earnestly believe him to the core. He requested for a washing soap from the man that he want to wash his clothes. The man said there is no soap at home and he gave him #500 to go and buy out side the compound.

At that point, he packed all his clothes out side and put them in a basin just to deceive the man that he really want to wash. Immediately he left the gate he took a bike and escaped to the bus/stop and boarded a vehicle to Imo state in order to find out from a Spiritualist Because his wife was suspected to be the brain behind the planned ritual.

When he got there the Spiritualist told him that he was lucky not to have been used for money ritual by his wife. The Spiritualist told him to buy 3 years old fowl with some Spiritual items to cause misunderstanding between the duo. He bought everything required and use them for the charm.

The Spiritualist told him not to travel home until after a week. Within the space of time he received a call from his brother that his wife confessed to use the her husband for money ritual with an unknown wealthy man who later wanted to use her due to the disappearance of the husband. The man demanded for all what he has spent for her husband, if she can’t produce him.

Immediately after he received the call he told the Spiritualist of what was happening at home and he released him to go and hear from the wife .

Immediately he got home his wife began to beg that she was pushed to take that decision by the devil . As a jobless man. It is advisable to leave the wife who wanted to kill him or continue with their marriage since the wife is the only source of living .

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