Drama ensued between a Nigerian sugar mummy and her younger lover who participated in an online content revolving around shaky relationships and prospective dates. The young...
Nigerian singer, Paul Okoye otherwise known as Rudeboy has created a stir online after he serenaded his girlfriend, Ivy Ifeoma with a love song. In a...
A woman is accused of fatally poisoning her boyfriend’s 18-month-old daughter by feeding her batteries, screws and nail polish remover after she researched the harmful effects...
A Ghanaian man on social media is distraught after losing his beautiful girlfriend to what he claims was severe menstrual pain. The young man shared the...
In a now-viral TikTok video, a lady unveiled the culinary disaster caused by her brother’s girlfriend. The footage showcased a pot of soup that was still...
A policeman attached to the Imo State Police Command, Cosmas Ugwu, has been shot dead by his girlfriend. Ugwu was killed on Tuesday, Dec. 26, by...
A man describes how his girlfriend cut his hair while he was sleeping after another woman admired his hair. A man describes how furious his girlfriend...
In a video which surfaced online, a girlfriend is seen entering a car boot of her boyfriend after the car seats were occupied by his friends....
🚨The 400-level student of Petrochemical Engineering at the University of Port Harcourt, Demain Okoligwe, who was arrested for allegedly killing his girlfriend explain exactly what happened....
Prebi, a coursemate of the final year student who killed his girlfriend, Justina Tiffany Otuene, has reacted to the gruesome murder. The suspect identified as Collins,...