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“I’ve been trying to snatch a married man but he’s proving difficult” – Nigerian lady laments



A Nigerian lady simply known as Sandy has revealed that there is a married man she is interested in but he does not look her way.

She said she has been trying to get his attention but he doesn’t notice her despite adopting different approaches.

According to Sandy, she is in love with him but he does not know.

The Port Harcourt-based lady said she is jealous of what he shares with his wife because he loves her so much. Sandy lamented over the thought of not being able to get the man she wants.

She said; “There’s this PH guy here, I’m in love with him but he’s married, he doesn’t know I love and want him though. I’ve tried all to get him but he won’t even notice me.

I feel so jealous how much he loves his wife. Like seeing a man you want and can’t get have to love another the way you want to be loved”

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