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When You Notice These Signs In A Person; Know They Will Die Very Soon.. Especially No 4



People have differing levels of knowledge about dying. They also have differing views about how much they want to know. Some want to know what to expect; others prefer not to know..

Unlike other big events in life such as birth, a new house, or a new job, dying is not often discussed. Talking about dying can be hard. There is no right or wrong way to deal with death and dying. Your beliefs, values, culture, experiences, and circumstances will shape your own view.

The oldest and frailest in our society are becoming less visible as many who need the most support, such as those with dementia, are either in care homes or less able to get out and about. But their voices are crucial to shaping end-of-life care services.

Death was part of life for many of the older people who often said they were taking each day as it comes and not worrying too much about tomorrow. “It is only day-from-day when you get to 97,” said one woman. Most felt ready to die and some even welcomed it: “I just say I’m the lady-in-waiting, waiting to go,” said one.

Others were more desperate in their desire to reach the end. “I wish I could snuff it. I’m only in the way,” was a typical sentiment in those who felt they were a nuisance. Others begged not to be left to live until they were a hundred, saying there was no point in keeping them alive.

Most were concerned about the impact on those left behind: “The only thing I’m worried about is my sister. I hope that she’ll be not sad and be able to come to terms with it.”

The dying process itself was the cause of most worries. A peaceful and painless death, preferably during sleep, was a common ideal. Interviewees mainly preferred to be made comfortable rather than have treatment, wishing to avoid going into hospital.

Signs That Someone Is Near the End of Their Life.
It’s distressing to learn that a loved one is reaching the end of their life, but knowing what to expect can make it less upsetting for all involved. If you’ve hired hospice professionals, they can help make your loved one’s last months, weeks, and days as comfortable as possible, and also support you as you go through this difficult time.

Here are 16 common signs that often occur at the end of life:
Physical signs:

The following describes the physical symptoms you may observe. Here are end-of-life signs and helpful tips:

Hands, arms, feet, and legs may be increasingly cool to the touch.

The color of the skin may change and become mottled.

How you can help: Keep the person warm with comfortable, soft blankets.

The patient may not know time or place and may not be able to identify people around them. How you can help: If this end-of-life sign is occurring, Identify yourself by name before you speak. Speak normally, clearly, and truthfully. Explain things such as, “It’s time to take your medicine now.” Explain the reason for things, such as, “So you won’t start to hurt.”

An increasing amount of time may be spent sleeping. The person may become unresponsive, uncommunicative, and difficult to arouse. How you can help: Sleeping more frequently is normal. You can sit quietly with them. Speak in a normal voice. Hold their hand. Assume they can hear everything you say. They probably can.

They may lose control of urinary/bowel functions. This is a common end-of-life change that can occur during the process of passing on. How you can help: Keep your loved one clean and comfortable. Ask your hospice nurse for advice.

The person may make repetitive motions such as pulling at the bed linen or clothing. This is due in part to A decrease in oxygen. How you can help: Do not interfere with these movements or try to restrain them. Speak in a quiet, natural way. Lightly massage their forehead. Read to them. Play soothing music.

There may be gurgling sounds inside the chest. This is also sometimes referred to as a “Death Rattle.” These may be loud. This end-of-life symptom does not indicate the onset of severe pain. How you can help: Gently turn their head to the side to drain secretions. Gently wipe their mouth with a moist cloth.

Urine decrease:
Output may decrease and become tea colored. How you can help: Consult your hospice nurse.

Fluid and food decrease:
Your loved one may want little or no food or fluid. The body will naturally conserve energy required for the task ahead. Food is no longer needed.

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