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My Girlfriend Wanted to Sleep at My Place Then I Told her I Sold my Bed, She Smiled & Did This (Details below)



Finding a life partner is not really much of an issue, because almost any lady will agree be married.

Whats really difficult about finding a life partner is finding one who would stick with you through thick and thin. Someone who believes in your dreams, who never complains but encourages and support you when life turns around.

Ladies like this are very rare diamonds, you only find them in one out of 50 girls.

This Nigerian man @UncleTochii, has celebrated his girlfriend who has chosen to stick with him ever since life turned around for him.

His life turned around ever since he switched location, business has not been moving fine. He had to send his daughter to his mum.

He sold virtually everything in his home including his bed after things got worse and he could no longer provide for his mum and daughter.

Well Onyiyechi his GF, has been there through thick and thin, she called to come over to his place after work because it was late and she couldn’t get to her mum’s place where she stays, even though he complained of how he had no bed where she would lay comfortably, she didn’t mind.

“Tochi i will sleep where you sleep, eat what you eat and live where you live” she responded

She wore his clothes and lay on the bed spread on the floor, and eventually feel asleep while they were gisting.

He couldn’t stop starring at her, as she had never complained of anything before, instead she kept encouraging him.

Although things are not okay as he wishes, He has plans to marry and and give her a better life she deserves.

See Post below:

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