After a young boy told his mother that he love her, you won’t believe what the mother replied him that has made alot of people talking.
Mother’s are God’s gift to their children, as far as am concerned no love on earth is greater than the love of a mother to her child, right from when the child is in the mother’s womb and after nine months a child is been brought into the world, the love still continue even when the child has come of age the motherly love will still be there.
Even if a mother has not eaten the whole day She will go extra miles to make sure her child is well fed to his or her satisfaction. What more love can we compare to this kind of love apart from the Love of God to we his children.
Each and every mother has a certain way of bringing up their children, the way my own mother brought me up is totally different from the way your own mother brought you up, so there are certain things I can say to my mother like I love you, alot of things like that, maybe another mother won’t find it funny if you say those things to her.
Recently a young boy narrated how he told his mother that he love her, instead of her replying that she love him too, she asked him if he had a choice. It’s really funny i must say.
African mothers are special. I told my i love her today. Instead of her to tell me she loves me too, she asked me if I have a choice
The mother of this boy she is really funny, but as she rightly said do he have a choice, no he don’t have a choice because your mother is always your mother you can’t change that.
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