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We have conquered the north,igboland is our next target-shekau 



​​Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau released a video message on Tuesday claiming a series of attacks in Igbo land Nigeria during the festive season.

“We are in good health, the north have been conquered, our next residing place is Igbo land” said Shekau in the 31-minute video message spoken in the Hausa language common across northern Nigeria. 
“Nigerian troops, police and those creating mischief against us can’t do anything against us, and you will gain nothing,” he said.
“We carried out the attacks in Cross river, in Enugu and many part of Igbo land recently. We carried out all these attacks.”

The video then shows footage from a Christmas Day attack on a military checkpoint in Molai village on the outskirts of the northeast Nigerian city of Maiduguri, which the military said was thwarted by troops after one hour of battle.

Boko Haram fighters in torn clothes were shown shooting from the back of battered pickup trucks.
Shekau’s message comes during an acceleration of Boko Haram attacks and just days after the jihadists killed 25 people outside Maiduguri, the birthplace of the Islamist insurgency.
In December, Boko Haram attacked convoys of Nigerian soldiers and dispatched suicide bombers into crowded markets in towns across northeast Nigeria.

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At least 50 people were killed in November when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a mosque in Adamawa state.

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