Notorious Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox (MMM), the Ponzi scheme which dashed the hope of over three million Nigerians in 2017, is back. The new version known as...
Ponzi scheme, Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox (MMM), which collapsed over a year ago in some countries, particularly in Nigeria has finally shut down. Mavrodi launched his controversial...
Sergey Mavrodi , the founder of the popular pyramid scheme, MMM, was earlier reported to have died of heart attack on Monday, March 26, 2018 at...
The management of controversial ponzi scheme, MMM, which had left numerous Nigerian participants loosing their millions of Naira, has been blasted after it announced of a...
THÈ Senate disclosed, yesterday, that it has concluded arrangements to expose all the commercial banks and operatives of the now collapsed ponzi scheme, popularly known as...
MMM-Nigeria, a group for mutual financial aid and donations, on Monday, organised a green party show in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to celebrate Nigeria’s Democracy...