Renowned tech giant, Google celebrates the posthumous birthday of one of the finest musical stars in the field of traditional music (highlife), Oliver De Coque with...
Google has been known over the years for its numerous innovations all over the world. The company keeps expanding and staying ahead of many others by...
Google said Thursday it fired 48 employees in the past two years , including 13 senior executives , as a result of sexual harassment allegations ,...
Google formally offered its solutions to avoid more EU mega – fines Wednesday , after Brussels accused the US tech giant of illegally abusing the dominance...
Google on Tuesday appealed the biggest ever anti – trust fine by the EU , which imposed a 4 . 34 billion euro ( $ 5...
Tech giants Microsoft , Amazon and Google are joining forces with international organizations to help identify and head off famines in developing nations using data analysis...
A lawsuit filed in federal court here accuses Google of invading people ’ s privacy by tracking the whereabouts of smartphones users despite “ location history...
Google has been sued for allegedly discriminating against conservative white men in a class action lawsuit filed by two former engineers. The duo say they want...
Late Nigerian author Chinua Achebe has now been honoured by tech giant, Google as an important figure of 20th century literature. A Google Doodle is a...
It’s easy to forget how difficult DIY repairs were just a couple of decades ago, considering how easy the internet makes it to fix very specific...