The 43-year-old property developer from Port Shepstone, in his new reality show titled “Uthando Nes’thembu”, which means “Love and Polygamy” has opened his relationship with his...
This is the mini-cab driver whose faulty fridge is alleged to have started the Grenfell Tower inferno. Behailu Kebede, a father of one, raised the alarm...
Three gay men say they have gained legal recognition as the first “polyamorous family” in Colombia, where same-sex marriages were legalised last year. “We wanted to...
Christopher Jabu Kubheka, popularly known as ‘Gunman’ on South African drama series ‘Yizo Yizo’ was on Monday afternoon found dead in his home in Soshanguve, Pretoria....
Kathleen Martin, now 32, from County Durham, began chatting to teenager Jack Fucile, now 18, on the social media site in June 2015 after he offered...
26-year-old Alice Awuor Omotola from Rongo, Migori County, Kenya , has shocked many after confessing that preparing the dead for burial is the one thing that makes...
A video showing a groom forcefully dragging his bride out of a car during their wedding has sparked discussion in China. Initial reports suggested that the...
A Zimabwean man, Annanias Mambeu (26) stormed into a beerhall naked after he was allegedly caught making love to a married woman in Hwiru Suburb last...
Dozens of Tunisians protested on Sunday to demand the right to eat and drink in public during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan and to protest...
A Pakistani man has been sentenced to death for making a derogatory remark about the Prophet Mohammad in a Facebook post. A counter-terrorism court has sentenced...