A 16-year-old boy named Selamat Riayadi has married his 71-year-old sweetheart, Rohaya in Indonesia after the drunk in love couple threatened to kill themselves if their...
An angry wife recently engaged in a fierce fight with another woman thought to be her husband’s lover in China. Their drama was caught on tape...
Crazy things happen in South Africa all in the name of Religion, and another South African Pastor is towing that lane again. Pastor Lesego Daniels of...
Donald Trump’s daughter , Ivanka Trump, has written about her recent meeting with two girls from Chibok, Joy and Lydia at the White House last week....
A 37-stone woman desperate to secure the record for having world’s biggest hips has been warned she is a “ticking time bomb” and could die at...
Archaeologists fear the Titanic wreckage will be pillaged, broken up and even raised from the seabed after the company which owns the salvaging rights sunk deeper...
The ongoing feud between Kanye West and Jay-Z appears to have intensified, with West pulling all of his music from Tidal, the online streaming service set up...
One of South America’s biggest cocaine kingpins, who evaded police for three decades, even undergoing surgery to change his face, has been captured, Brazilian authorities said...
Germany’s parliament has voted on Friday (June 30) to legalise gay marriage after Chancellor Angela Merkel did an about-face that freed members of conservative party to...
A European Human Rights Court has given its verdict on a case of human rights that will compel a couple to allow their sick baby to...