The track follows their 21 Pilots-sounding single “Sick Boy” from last month, now as part of a 2-sided single cleverly titled “Sick Boy…You Owe Me.” As...
It’s been 10 years since Gucci Mane released “We Cocky” from his So Icey Boy mixtape, and five since he loosed the Young-Chop-produced “Supa Cocky” on...
Continuing to enjoy being an independent artist, Tyga releases his new album Kyoto. Inspired by Japanese culture and art for the project’s title and artwork, T-Raww...
NBA All-Star Weekend taking over L.A. this weekend, YG is providing the entertainment in his hometown. The Compton rapper is hosting “The Boogie,” a two-event showcase...
Young Scooter has dropped off another track from his upcoming project Trippple Cross. The latest single, titled “Bail Out,” finds the Atlanta artist linking up with...
After enjoying the fun and sun in “Skrt Skrt,” Tory Lanez is back a day later with a new track off his upcoming Memories Don’t Die...
Sean Paul.The Jamaican rapper will take centre stage at Supersonic this weekend in Pune.Speaking about the jacket, Lulla said that she zeroed in on gold as...
Diplo hit Twitter yesterday to share his own take on the Yeezy Season 6 collection. The producer tackled Paris Hilton Or Kim Kardashian’s likeness with photos...
When 2018 kicked in, Frank Ocean hinted that he will put out new music soon with a cryptic message on his tumblr — “If you liked...
Moneybagg Yo’s new 2 Heartless project, and we’re getting a preview of what we can expect on Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14).The Memphis rapper unveils the official...