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Hoodlums Set Lagos Market On Fire, many injured As Major Clash Erupts Between Rival Camps (Video)



A clash between hoodlums in the Ile-Epo area of Lagos State resulted in numerous injuries. The conflict erupted in a market located in the vicinity on Wednesday night, extending into Thursday morning.

The hoodlums were also said to have resisted an intervention by the police.

They also prevented  a fire service truck which arrived at the market this  morning from dousing the fire as they attacked it with stones.

According to eyewitnesses, the skirmish escalated quickly, with groups setting ablaze multiple storefronts. “It was chaos. Flames were everywhere, and all you could hear were screams and the shattering of glass,” said one of the vendor at the market, who preferred to remain anonymous for safety reasons.

Police efforts to quell the unrest were met with resistance. “Our team was dispatched promptly, but the intensity of the mob and their hostility hampered our intervention efforts,” a Lagos State Police spokesperson stated. The police were investigating the cause of the fight and have vowed to restore order.

Additionally, emergency services faced severe impediments. A Lagos State Fire Service truck was forced to retreat after a hostile crowd attacked it with stones. “We attempted to access the scene to douse the flames, but it became too dangerous to proceed,” explained a firefighter at the scene.

Authorities were currently assessing the extent of the damage and have promised to increase security in the area to prevent further escalation. The market remains closed until further notice as cleanup and investigations continue.

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