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How To Manage Electricity In Your Homes



A recent increase in electricity tariff was introduced. If you don’t manage your consumption, prepare to spend a lot. Imagine paying N10, 000 only to get 30 unit?? That’s the current state of Nigeria. All thanks to the bad decisions making by the Tinubu lead administration.

Here are some ways to manage consumption, which could lower your potential bills.

1. Get rid of those incandescent bulbs of 60 watts, 100 watts. Buy energy saving bulbs of 5 watts, 10 watts

2. Be vigilante when pumping water so you off the pump as soon as the tank is full or install float switch.

3. Your fridge must not be on 24 hours. If you know how well your fridge can retail coldness, you can use your discretion to know when to put it off and on.

4. Standing fans consume less power than AC. You can sleep well with standing fans and not be bothered about high bills.

5. Don’t use electric stove(hot plates. Use your gas to cook.

Additional tip: Buy new model appliances with inbuilt inverter. Fridge and AC with inbuilt inverter consume less energy.

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