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Putin’s closest ally warns of World War 3 if UK sends troops to Ukraine



Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian President and closest ally of current President of the country Vladimir Putin, has warned of a World War 3 if UK sends troops on to Ukrainian soil.

Medvedev who issued the warning on Sunday, October 1, after British defence secretary Grant Shapps said he was considering deploying UK troops to train soldiers inside Ukraine, said any Brit soldier found training soldiers inside Ukraine would be legitimate targets for Russian forces and “ruthlessly destroyed”.

In a post on Telegram, Medvedev said;

“The number of leading idiots in Nato countries is growing. One newly minted cretin – the British Minister of Defence – decided to transfer English training courses for Ukrainian soldiers to the territory of Ukraine itself.

“These idiots are actively pushing us towards a Third World War. This will turn their instructors into a legal target for our armed forces.

“Understanding perfectly well that they will be ruthlessly destroyed. And not as mercenaries, but namely as British Nato specialists.”

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