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ASUU raises alarm over rate of teenage Pregnancy at Benue IDP Camps



The Academic Staff Union Of Universities (ASUU) has called on the FG to address the humanitarian crisis in Benue State Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps as hundreds of out-of-school children and teenagers are getting pregnant.

ASUU President, Prof Emmanuel Osodeke, made the call during ASUU’s humanitarian outreach to IDP camps at Abagana in Makurdi, the state capital.

Represented by Profs Ralph Ofokwu and Stellamarris Okey, the ASUU president lamented the inability to safely return the IDPs to their villages and homes now being occupied by armed herdsmen. The ASUU officials also brought food and clothing items to the IDPs.

Since January 2018, internally displaced persons across 12 camps in Benue fled their homes after killer herdsmen attacked the Logo and Guma local government areas, amongst other parts of the state.

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