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“Not A Man of God” – Pope Benedict Bans ‘Catholic’ Biden From Attending His Funeral



Joe Biden, the first Catholic president in six decades who proclaims himself to be a “devout” follower of the church’s teachings, has been snubbed by the late Pope Benedict XVI and told not to attend his funeral.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Tuesday that America’s Ambassador to the Holy See will attend the funeral instead of Biden. Jean-Pierre said Biden won’t be attending the funeral “in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican.”

Biden, who claims to be Catholic despite conflicting views , reacted to the snub while speaking with reporters Wednesday on the South Lawn while leaving the White House.
Instead of attending Benedict’s funeral with other world leaders, Biden is traveling to Kentucky to commemorate his infrastructure law with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

A reporter asked Biden why he won’t be attending the funeral for the former pope, who died on Saturday. Biden, obviously riled by Benedict’s decision to ban him from the funeral, appeared to snap at the reporter over the question.

Biden was visibly irritated with the reporter for asking why he won’t be attending the pope’s funeral.

“You’re not attending [Pope Benedict XVI’s] funeral tomorrow, though. Why?”a reporter asked.

“Well, why do you think?”Biden retorted.

The reporter shot back:“You tell me.”

“You know why,”Biden said.

The reporter replied,“You can tell me, sir.”

Biden then claimed that he isn’t attending because it would take an entourage of 1,000 people in order to go.

“We would just get in the way,”he said.

It should come as no surprise that Biden was removed from the guest list by the late Pope Benedict. As a conservative, he was no doubt appalled by Biden’s positions on a raft of issues, not least his pro-abortion stance.

But the intrigue runs deeper than that. George Soros, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coup in the Vatican to overthrow conservative Pope Benedict in February 2013, according to WikiLeaks emails.
Pope Benedict became the first pope to resign since Pope Gregory XII in 1415, and the first one to do so on his own initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294.

However, a group of Catholic leaders cite new evidence uncovered in emails released by WikiLeaks to claim the conservative Pope Benedict did not actually resign on his own initiative, but was pushed out of the Vatican by a coup that the group of researchers are calling the “Catholic Spring.”

Soros, Obama and Clinton used the United States’ diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce, bribe and blackmail “regime change” in the Roman Catholic Church in order to replace the conservative Benedict with the current Pope Francis – who has since become an unlikely mouthpiece for the international left, stunning Catholics around the world.

Little wonder Benedict did not want Biden and his cronies at his funeral.

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