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“I Wished My Son Death After Making This Discovery” – Mother Says



A lady identified as Rachel has revealed that at one time she wished her son died after the doctors disappointed her by telling her that her son will never walk or talk for the rest of his life.

After completing his college education, he met a man and fell in love with each other. Within short time she fell pregnant but came to know she was pregnant when she was 4 months.

Unfortunately, her brother died the news left her shocked and she fell sick. After she was taken to the hospital, the doctor gave her bed rest to allow the child to grow to avoid miscarriage.

When she was 6 months pregnant, she left the house to buy some foodstuffs. One hour after she returned she developed pain, her mother took her to the hospital where she delivered a pre-term baby.

The baby was put in a nursery and after a month the doctor noticed his head was growing big than his body. After two months they were discharged and referred to Kenyatta hospital.

After the city scan it was confirmed that the baby had to water his head he was pressing his brain. An operation was conducted to put a pipe to drain the water. The doctors later told him that his son will not be able to walk or talk.

Being a first-time mom it broke her heart into pieces she wished that her son would die to avoid seeing him suffering. Her family has been her greatest supporter. Her son is now 6 years old but he is trying to talk and even stand after doing therapy for him since she can’t afford to pay for his therapy sessions

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