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Charly Boy Finally Reveals Why He Sleeps In A Coffin (Details below)



It is no longer news that Charley Boy usually sleeps and meditates in a coffin. In a recent interview with Vanguard, the self-acclaimed area fada finally revealed why he sleeps and meditates in a coffin.

In his words:

“I do not sleep in a coffin; Instead, I sleep in my large and comfortable bed. I only Iie in my casket when I meditate because it helps me focus and reminds me of the impending death. My coffin serves as a reminder. It jolts me awake from my slumber.”

The entertainer added: “My casket says, guy you’ve got little to no time left, wake up, be creative, and work.”

He continued:

“Of course, after reading some of my people’s comments, I realize that a large number of us are misinformed about a variety of issues. I believe it is what the casket represents that shocks my people, and depending on their level of understanding, they begin to read meanings into it.

“But, what if the same wood used to construct the casket was also used to construct a sofa chair? Maybe all the fuss about me sitting in a chair wouldn’t have happened.

“So when people use the image of a casket to express their disapproval of my message, I understand that they are doing so out of fear of what the casket represents which is death.

“As a result, they antagonize whatever they are afraid of. However, the fact that I have reminded myself and even you about death makes no difference. It will not bring your death closer, nor will it move it away. It simply serves as a reminder to tread carefully.

“Take a close look at my photo inside the coffin, it says a lot. I always wore my cap, glasses, and shoes in my coffin. I’m always dressed nicely. Yes, it is always done on purpose to convey to us that your glory, along with all the wealth you must have accumulated, vanishes the day you enter that coffin.

“Your glory is represented by your cap, your vision is represented by your glasses, and your struggle is represented by your shoes. Your history and legacy are all that remains of you. The central message is to leave a legacy so that we can live on in people’s memories rather than in the physical world.”

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