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Man Who Dated His Wife For 3 Years Without S*x Discovers On Their Wedding Night That She Has A Male Organ



A man is in a state of dilemma after discovering on his wedding night that his wife has a male organ. A heartbroken man has narrated how he discovered his wife has a male private part on their wedding night.

According to the Ghanaian man, he dated his wife for three years but never got intimated because they both agreed to remain celibates until they get married.

The man said they both understood each other, agreed on maintaining their virginity right from the onset of their relationship. They have not engage in any event, like kissing, cuddling that could lead to sex, for the three years.

He noted that their ability to keep their chastity up to their wedding night was heavily influenced by their spiritual life.

However, on the night of their wedding, he claims he attempted having his first intimacy with her since he was now very hungry of it, but his wife resisted. He Insisted and attempted to thrust his *** into her organ, only to feel something tick within the same spot.

The heartbroken man investigated, and to his amazement, the woman had both male and female organs which is technically called hermaphrodite.

“Yesterday was my honeymoon…I dated this lovely girl for three years before we got married, for us ,we believe in chastity so we decided to have no intimacy whatsoever.

When we met in the room on the wedding night, then she started giving excuses…My wife has a penis, she has both, she’s hermaphrodite, now I’m confused I don’t know what to do”. He said in part.

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