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“Why Most Nigerian Politicians Hate Peter Obi, When Ordinary Nigerians Masses Like Him?”



Hi Peter Obi Supporters, this is a talk zone season from In this topic, we are going to discuss on why Nigerian Politicians don’t like Peter Obi to be Nigerian next President when most Nigerians like him?

Is not new again that we have major issues going on in our dear country Nigeria, the issues of who will become Nigerian next President come 2023.

We also know that, each Party has presented their candidates to Nigerians to chose the best to lead them from 2023 to 2027.

We also know that is not new to Nigerians again we have the most talk about Candidates, which is no other person, but Peter Obi of Labor Party, LP.

Peter Obi, dumped PDP, when he know that he will not be treated well in the party.

He finally join Labor Party, LP which he was picked as the party Presidential candidates.

Since his emergence as the party Presidential candidates, Most Nigerian Politicians didn’t like him, he has received so many criticism from Nigerian Politicians.

But Many Ordinary Nigerians like him, and they are ready to vote him in come 2023.

What we want us to discuss is, why Nigerian Politicians who claims they want the best for Nigerians don’t like Peter Obi when the masses like?

Let discuss below, dropped your comments, tells what you think is the reason Nigerian politicians don’t like Peter Obi?

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