Man Who Invented The Mobile Phone Says This About People Who Spend So Much Time On Their Phones (Details below)
The inventor of the mobile phone has suggested that people who spend too much time on the device should get a life.
Martin Cooper, a 93-year-old American engineer widely credited as the “father of the cell phone”, was appearing on BBC Breakfast when he suggested people should stop scrolling and “get a life”.
Cooper led the team at Motorola responsbile for the development of the first ever mobile phone in the 1970s. In 1973, he became the first person in history to make a handheld cellular phone call in public.
Cooper admitted he doesn’t use the device all that much.
He explained during the interview that he probably spends less than 5 per cent of his time on his phone.
When asked what he would say to those who spend hours on their phone, he was incredulous.
“You really spend five hours a day?” he asked. “I would say ‘get a life!’”
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