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Husband Abandons Wife Who Delivered 5 Pairs Of Twins, Says It Is “Abnormal”



Enjoying the fruit of your womb is lovely, but when it gets out of hand, it could cause chaos. A woman who gave birth to five pairs of twins has shared her painful story of how her bundles of blessings became a burden to her.

Nalongo Gloria from Uganda said her husband Ssalongo abandoned her because she kept delivering a set of twins. “When I got pregnant with twins on the third day, the man said this is too much for him and told me to go home.

Where he was sending me, I didn’t have their numbers anymore because I came to Kampala to work as a house girl,” a dispirited Gloria told NTV Mwasuze Mutya during an interview. It was the beginning of a rough road for Gloria, who barely had anywhere else to seek help.

Stuck in the middle of nowhere, Gloria’s lover, Ssalongo, gave her terms and conditions. “The man told me that if I can’t produce one child, he can’t take care of me with the dogs,” Gloria disclosed.

One day, when Gloria was looking for something to do, she found out her man had packed his things and left. She never knew his whereabouts as she was left stranded with the responsibilities of taking care of all the children single-handedly.

Along the way, Gloria lost some of her children, as stated in the conversation. “I could have 10 kids, but one pair flew away and one kid died. I have seven. A man buried a child in Zirobwe. He didn’t take him to Masaka,” she added.

During the lockdown, Gloria could not be able to sustain her family together while paying rent. The arrears continued to rise, and she was forced to look for another place to survive with her young ones.

No regrets Despite the challenges, Gloria does not regret having such a big family, knowing God is in control. “I don’t regret giving birth to all these children. I know their father doesn’t like them, and I can’t drop them at his place.

Despite the challenges, I will never abandon my kids. I know God will provide. “I handed my things to the Lord. Right now, the landlord told me he no longer wants me with his luggage and so many children like this. I have suffered but God knows best,” the mum said.

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