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How Kanu Heart Foundation extorted a sick child’s parent over ₦3.8m but never performed the surgery promised



On 31st of July 2022, the admin of got a mail from a parent of a sick child with heart issues.

Initially the team felt it was one of those numerous mails that we should just ignore, not until the heart broken parent sent more details photos and proof.

Mrs Onyeji Gloria and her husband were victims of the fraud in Kanu Heart Foundation..

Chuchu in LUTH

She alleged that though Kanu Heart Foundation makes the public believe it’s charity but patients pay money, heavily.

Her son, Chuchu as he is fondly called, real name Joseph Onyeji was among the 5 kids the foundation paraded at Hilton hotel Abuja, soliciting for help to assist them with their different cases of heart surgery, millions were raised, the parents thought they would help them after the Abuja trip but they kept telling them “no money”.

Chuchu is an undergraduate of UNILAG but he couldn’t continue due to his constant fainting and fatigue, so had to defer his education.

According to Mrs. Onyeji Gloria;

My husband and I Went to Kanu Heart Foundation, seeking for help for our son’s complex heart surgery, gave them his previous medical history from Israel through Save A Child’s Heart Foundation,then managed by doctor Omokodiion of UCH Ibadan

Kanu Heart Foundation forwarded our son’s medical history to Max hospital India,they gave their bill for the open heart surgery.

On getting to India with my son,Dr, Viresh saw him,did catheterization on my son to know exactly what to do,but told us he couldn’t handle the surgery

He then referred him to three possible hospitals in IS, Australia and South Africa

After my husband has transferred the sum of three million naira to the foundation account.believing the so called Charity organisation would assist but they kept dribbling us

Kanu heart Foundation contacted Children’s hospital Boston,they gave their bill,#47,000 IS dollars then,

The foundation said it was high and opted for a cheaper place,they flew us to Sunnyhill hospital in South Africa

Dr Dansky saw him,and gave his bill, the foundation said it’s still high and all these years, we were waiting patiently,believing they would add their financial support

Due to the delay in helping despite our financial contribution to the organisation, we made an appeal to Human Rights to plead on them

They flew us to Dubai,the doctor at Rak hospital ran series of tests but could not handle the surgery.

The next thing we heard from Kanu heart Foundation was that our money has finished and that we should go and source another money

Chuchu’s mom following Kanu and his foundatons chairman Mr Onyebuchi Abia, begging them

This payment was made since 2010 as at then naira was trading at ₦122 to a dollar. And we are currently in 2022 with dollar trading at about ₦710 to dollar in the parallel market and the boy is yet to get the required medical attention as initially promised. You can imagine how devastated the parent are plus how much they have spent in the whole process. tried reaching out to the official contact number of the Kanu Heart Foundation but the person who picked simply said he wasn’t working with the foundation then.

We equally visited the official website of the foundation what was displayed on their IG page and also Kanu Nwankwo’s IG page to but the website was offline

Kanu Heart Foundation IG page displaying the non functional website
Ex super Eagles player Kanu Nwankwo’s IG page displaying the non functional website
Website offline
Proof of registration with Kanu Heart Foundation in 2010
Admission deposit payment slip at LUTH where he’s currently receiving attention
The drug he’s currently taking to help manage the condition, 4800/pack
The parent have equal filed a petition against the foundation since 2015 and till today nothing is yet to be done.
Above is the last chat the already mom had with the coordinator.

The big question is what is Kanu Heart Foundation doing with the millions of naira it raise yearly? How deep is the rot? What is the fate of the young boy Chuchu?

The parent of the boy were also donors at the foundation and when they needed them most the so called charity organisation took money from them but never performed the surgery.

Chuchu need to get the surgery needed so he can get back to school and also join his mates.

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