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Horror As Russia Issues ‘Doomsday’ Threat If Ukrainian Troops Attempt To Retake Crimea



A former Russian President appeared to warn that Ukraine could face yet another onslaught if they attempted to reclaim the contested region. Dmitry Medvedev, who served as President from 2008 to 2012, made the remarks during a meeting with a group of Second World War veterans.

The deputy head of Russia’s security council said: “Trying to snap back, and some exalted bloody clowns who pop up there periodically with some statements, are trying to threaten us — I mean an attack on Crimea, and so on.”

He added: “The consequences are obvious that if something like this happens, there would be a ‘doomsday’ for all of them there, very fast and hard.”

Crimea was annexed by the Kremlin back in 2014.

Nations around the world condemned Vladimir Putin for the annexation.

Ex-Foreign Secretary William Hague even said at the time: “This action is a potentially grave threat to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

“We condemn any act of aggression against Ukraine.”

However, according to the Times, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sacked his security service chief and prosecutor-general amid 60 treason cases.

The news comes after the Ministry of Defence warned that Putin’s troops have been reinforcing their defensive positions.

“Russian defensive moves are likely a response to anticipated Ukrainian offensives, to demands made by Defence Minister Shoygu on a recent visit to the Donbas, and also to the attacks Ukraine is launching against command posts, logistic nodes and troop concentrations.

“Given the pressures on Russian manpower, the reinforcement of the South whilst the fight for the Donbas continues likely indicates the seriousness with which Russian commanders view the threat.”

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