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How early menstruation damage ovaries – Gynaecologist reveals



A Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oluwarotimi Akinola, has said that the early onset of menstruation in female children should not be overlooked, noting that it could lead to serious health problems in the long term..

According to Akinola, starting menstruation early and prolonged menstruation in women could harm the ovaries.

The expert stressed that nature did not plan for women to continuously ovulate, noting that the continuous shedding of blood from the ovaries could be harmful to the woman in the long term.

Akinola, who is a former President of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria was reacting to a study titled,

Secondary Sexual Characteristics and Menses in Young Girls Seen in Office Practice: A Study from the Paediatric Research in Office Settings Network’.

The study conducted in the United States found that girls are now getting to puberty as early as six years of age.

While reacting to the research led by Dr. Marcia Herman-Giddens, a public health expert at the University of North Carolina, Akinola said it is difficult to extrapolate one research to cover everyone.

As reported by New York Times, the study noted that girls have started developing breast as early as age nine.

Akinola said, “Early onset of prolonged menstruation actually leads to some damage to the ovaries themselves.

“There are some things that can happen when a woman has been ovulating for much longer

Women were not meant to be ovulating continuously as it is obtainable now. Nature did not foresee that women will be ovulating as frequently as they are now.”

As reported by the New York Times, the research by the University of North Carolina found that on average, girls have started developing breasts earlier than previously recorded.

The study says no one factor has been found as the cause but noted that obesity may be playing a role in it.

Speaking further on the research, Akinola said that while the study said there have been no identified causes of early puberty in girls, the guess on obesity is noteworthy.

Obesity, he said, is linked to fat.

He explained that the study found that people who are fat come to puberty early.

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