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Pastor Weds 4 Virgins At Once, Justifies His Action By Revealing What Happened In The Bible



Zagabe Chiluza, a Congolese pastor has caused a massive quake on the internet after he married four women at the same time in a colourful wedding, the video of which has lighted up social media and dominated the mainstream discourse..

Essentially this pastor justified his action by quoting illustrations that saw Bible characters having multiple women but still found Cavour in the eyes of God. “Jacob had many wives Leah and Rachel, then Bilha and Zilpa
four wives for one man,” he said.

The man of the God also shares scriptures from the Holy Book to prove polygamy isn’t a sin. “I have one wife already and today I’m going to marry these four. They will join the first wife,” he said on his wedding day.

According to a video shared by AfriMax, pastor said men from his church marry only virgins, encouraging others to practice polygamy.

See reactions:

Anthonia Uche Uzokwe-nweke: Fake pastor .Who uses his wrong Bible teachings to deceive gullible people.What are the young people doing to stop this mad man corrupting young minds? This mad man should be stopped now.What people do in the name of God.Why is he still in the old testament instead of the new? Anyway he gave the name of his church as primitive .May God open the eyes of this brainwashed people.

Abdullahi Abdullahi: 1 Timothy 3:1-2. This is a true saying, if a man is eager to be a church leader. He desires an excellent work. 2 A church leader must be without fault, he must have only ” one wife”.Bible further said, Matthew 5 :17 and 19. Don’t think I have come to destroy the laws or the prophets, but to fulfilled.19, whosoever breaks one of this commandments and teaches men to do the same he will not enter heaven. On the other hand whosoever obey the laws and teaches men he will enter paradise.

Godwin James: Which of the bible portion that surport it ? this is a big lie from the pit of hell, from genesis to revelation there is no scriptures that surport a pastor to have more than one wife, any other man can but not a pastor, this man is a fake pastor, note him an avoid him an this kind of claims of lieing against the Bible.

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