End Time As Church Members Carry Pastor On A Chair From His Car To Church Platform As He Ordered Them To Do So (Video below)
There have been a number of strange things that some pastors have done that have caused people to question whether they are true men of God.
The man of God in the video that has quickly gone viral was seen doing something that defies the imaginations of those who have seen this video.
This God-fearing man is not physically ill or has any leg problems. He was, however, carried from his car to the church platform on a chair.
If you look closely at the video, you can see that he arrived at the church grounds in his beautiful white car.
Some church members waited outside with his special chair. He took two steps and sat in the chair as soon as he got out of the car.
Members of the church then carried him from the outside of the church to the platform. While the church members struggled to carry him there, he was laughing and having a good time.
Meanwhile, the service has already begun, and the congregation is praying and singing.
Watch the video below;
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