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THIS LIFE SEF! See The Kind Of Prayer Rita Edochie Prayed After Ada Jesus Was Taken To Hospital (Details below)



There’ s absolutely nobody who cannot be offended in this life and at the same time, there’ s nobody who cannot offend another person, but it’ s always good, when we offend to, to apologize and when offended and apologized to, to forgive; not just to forgive but to forgive and forget and by so doing, God will be doing marvelous work in our lives.

However, there are people who have vowed that never in their lives will they forgive anyone who offends them and even if they tend to forgive, they can never forget the incident- they will always remember it for such person at any slightest misbehaviour and roast that person with their mouths, they will as well, pray that bad things should happen to those who offend them so that they will never have peace.

Notwithstanding, others still exist, who are good and play their lives accordingly with the natural order of things. They will forgive you when you offend them and they will forget it for you. Moreover, they won’ t just stop at forgiving and forgetting, they will as well, pray for you; prayer of good things, with good intentions and never that bad or awful things should befall you.

In this last group falls Rita Edochie, a woman with a good heart. Even when you offend her beyond the marrows, once she has considered it right to forgive you, she’ ll forgive and as well, forget it for you; she will even go to the extent of making good prayers for your well- being.

Not minding the feud that existed between her and Ada Jesus, she was able to forgive and forget. That forgetting was evidenced in the recent post she made on her social media handle which comprises of nothing but series of prayers. Moreover, in the prayer, she used words like ” my great people in the world” which has no restrictions but covers all her fans, family, friends and foes. By indication of all included Ada Jesus and such shows that she has really forgiven and forgotten everything.

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