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REGRETS: We Didn’t Support Jonathan Because We Thought The North Would Be Shortchanged”– Babangida (Details below)



Ex president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was a very good man, his tenure was not bad but contributed in Nigeria’ s development. However the northerners were greedy wanted someone like them thinking it will be to their favour, well look how things turned.

The former governor of Niger state, Babangida Aliyu, said some heavy words about the 2015 election, he went open to why the northerners refused to give their support to ex president Goodluck Jonathan.

He claimed that there was an agreement that Jonathan would complete the tenure of the late president Umaru Musa Yar’ adua and also contest for the 2011 contest as the only presidential candidate of PDP.

He claimed that when Jonathan mentioned going for second tenure in 2015, he was simply violating the agreement. He said all the northern governors supported Goodluck Jonathan the time he was vice president to complete the tenure of the late president and then go for 2011 elections.

He said when he resumed office, Goodluck started talking about going for 2015 elections which was against the agreement so they did not vote for him. Babangida Aliyu claims the agreement was for him to complete Yar’ adua’ s tenure and also contest the 2011 election. But whatever the outcome of the 2015 election was, it established Goodluck Jonathan as an emblem of peace because of the way he handled the defeat.

Everyone was amazed with how he accepted defeat from Muhammadu Buhari.

It has been years since he left office yet some Nigerians still miss him. There has been several appeals to bring him back for 2023 elections but it doesn’ t seem like he will want to go for it.

The sentence Babangida Aliyu made about Jonathan’ s defeat on the side of the northern governors not being supportive because they felt they would be shorthanded is a whole lot of sentence.

What do you think about Babangida Aliyu’ s statement on the reason for Jonathan’ s defeat?

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