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More Than 200 Witnesses, 100 Photographs & 87 Videos To Expose How The Army Killed 150 Biafran Protesters (Details below)



With complete authorization of the commander in chief of the armed forces of Nigeria, Nigeria Security Forces especially the Nigerian army, have maimed and ” killed Over 150 Peaceful Pro- biafra Protesters” since 2015, there is a complete catalogue of videos, Photographs, each Witness accounts to show the world, the hell Buhari subjected eastern Nigeria to. Read on for the rest of the story.

BBC News observed that from 2015, the launch of different operations to kill Innocent Biafra agitators such as, ” Operation Python Dance” and ” Operation Crocodile Smile” , these operations have wiped out any peaceful Biafra protesters in the Eastern Region of Nigeria, especially in Abia state, the home state of Nnamdi kanu, the supreme leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra, IPOB.

Despite the heavy machinations the Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen terrorist groups, the military boycotted them to use heavy ammunition and deadly force against pro- Biafra protesters who are campaigning for an independent state without breaking any law and order in the Region.

International Amnesty’ s report is based on interviews with atleast 200 people, alongside more than 100 photographs and 87 videos proofs on this assertions.

Chief among the allegations contained in the report are what Amnesty called ” extrajudicial executions” , when 60 people were shot and killed in south- eastern Onitsha city, in the two days surrounding Biafra Remembrance Day in May 2016.

“This reckless and trigger- happy approach to crowd control has caused over 1500 deaths, and we fear the actual total are far higher than what is being projected” said Makmid Kamara, Amnesty’ s interim director for Nigeria.

Other victims detailed in the report include a 26- year- old man who was shot in Nkpor, but hid in a gutter, still alive. He narrated that when soldiers found him, they poured acid over him, and told him he would die slowly but somehow, he didn’ t, he survived to tell his horrible story.

“Another woman said she had been speaking to her husband on a mobile phone when he told her he had been shot in the abdomen. He was calling from a military vehicle, she said, and she heard gunshots. She later found his body in a morgue with two more wounds in his chest, leading her to believe he had been executed after the call. ”

The human rights organisation and other international observers said pro- Biafra protests had been ” largely peaceful” despite occasional incidents of protesters throwing stones and burning tyres- ” Regardless, these acts of violence and disorder did not justify the level of force used against the whole assembly. ”

It is this heavy- handed approach, say human rights groups, that is inflaming the tensions in Nigeria is terrifying everyone, the international top level world powers are watching, they will act, just that they are dealing with their own problems and Covid- 19 generally, also is the fact that some major governments in the world are still young, like the US Biden who needs time to bind his agenda together, focusing on Nigeria, might distract him, but surely, they’ ll be forced to respond.

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