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See What This Mum Did When She Met Face To Face With Her Son’s Killer [VIDEO]



Hi readers, today I’ll share with you the story of a woman known as Rukiye Z. Abdul-Mutakallim, a devout Muslim who lost her son to the hands of three young men. Her son, Suliman Abdul-Mutakallim was 39 years old when he was shot by the killers and they dumped him in the street, they took his money and the food he bought for himself and his wife.

Suliman Abdul-Mutakallim

The case was handled by the law and luckily the murderers were arrested by the police. When Rukiye saw her son’s killer in the courtroom she saw that they were still young boys.

Rukiye asked for permission and then she did something that shocked the entire courtroom, she walked straight to Javon, the youngest of the killers and she hugged him, she also hugged the mother of Javon. She said to him.

“I don’t hate you. I can’t hate you. It’s not our way. Showing rahmah mercy, that is our way.”

She told Javon that she doesn’t hate him, she said that revenge will not help bring back her son.

“Since it was not meant that I could save my son’s life, maybe I can help you save yours.”

Rukiya said that she wants to help him become a better person.

“His death was already ordained, maybe the purpose is to save your life.”

After making a heart-melting speech in the courtroom, she once again hugged the mother of her son’s killer and shook hands with her kids.

Although they killed her son, Rukiye’s revenge was to help her son’s killer become a better person. The forgiveness displayed by Rukiye is something we should learn from.

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