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See The Truth About What Happened To Mike Ezuronye’s Face.



Mike Ezuronye is one of Nigeria’s top Nollywood actors as he has features in dozens of movies. He also has couple of awards to his name.

The actor who was born on the 21st of September, 1982 has starred in movies which include, Broken Marriage, Critical Decision, just to name a few.

In some of his pictures that was posted online not long ago, he was seen with serious scars on his face, which has led to people wondering what could have happened to him for him to get that kind of scars.

Fortunately for his fans, it was all in preparation for an upcoming movie, named ‘Unscarred’ and the scar is a makeup effect made by an artist.

It can be deduced that the movie is related to the Scar on his face and kudos to the makeup artist for making such an incredible work.

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