SOME PEOPLE ARE MAD! ‘Sick’ Couple Rape A Lady After She Refused To Join Them For Threesome
A sick couple raped a lady after she declined to join them when they were having s3x in front of her.
Mohammed Hussain, 22, and Yazmin Ali, 31, attacked their victim after spotting her in Bradford city centre.
They called the stranger into a pub after they spotted her walking past before the three went back to Ali’s flat.
At the flat, they drank vodka and took cocaine, before Ali suggested the sordid s3x session.
The depraved pair have been caged for a combined 25 years after Bradford Crown Court heard they tried to entice the woman into a “threesome” by having s3x in front of her.
When she refused, Ali leapt up and held a kitchen knife against the woman’s throat while her younger boyfriend ripped off her top and bra.
He then threw the terrified woman face down on the bed before forcing himself on her.
Prosecutor Ian Howard told the court Hussain banged the victim’s head on the bedroom wall and Ali bit her arm in the resulting struggle.
The woman grabbed her clothes and one of her shoes and fled, before being found crying and half-naked by a cleaning supervisor who called the police.
In her personal victim statement, the woman said she was now “a bag of nerves” and afraid to go out.
When officers went to Ali’s flat over the horrifying incident in July 2017, she threatened them and hurled racist abuse at police.
Both Hussain and Ali were convicted of rape in January.
Ali was also found guilty of assault by biting the woman, and admitted racially aggravated harassment of a police officer.
She was jailed for 13 years while Hussain was handed a 12-year sentence.
The pair, both from Bradford, were also ordered to sign on the s3x offenders’ register for life.
Ali has previous convictions for grievous bodily harm, false imprisonment, causing actual bodily harm, robbery, battery and criminal damage.
The court heard Hussain had a previous conviction for kidnapping and was on licence at the time.
Frequently, victims may not recognize what happened to them was rape.
Some may remain in denial for years afterwards. Confusion over whether or not their experience constitutes rape is typical, especially for victims of psychologically coerced rape.
Women may not identify their victimization as rape for many reasons such as feelings of shame, embarrassment, non-uniform legal definitions, reluctance to define the friend/partner as a rapist, or because they have internalized victim-blaming attitudes.
The public perceives these behaviors as ‘counterintuitive’ and therefore, as evidence of a dishonest woman.
During the assault, a person will respond with fight, flight, freeze, friend (sometimes called fawn), or flop. Victims may react in ways they did not anticipate. After the rape, they may be uncomfortable/frustrated with and not understand their reactions.
Most victims respond by ‘freezing up’ or becoming compliant and cooperative during the rape. These are common survival responses of all mammals.
This can cause confusion for others and the person assaulted. An assumption is that someone being raped would call for help or struggle. A struggle would result in torn clothes or injuries.
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