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Body Dey Sweet Us: Checkout This Viral Pidgin English Wedding Invitation (Photos)



A couple’s wedding invitation card has gone quite viral on the internet because of its very unusual touch.
The wedding invitation of a couple has been described as ‘the most creative card’ on social media because of it’s unique style.

Unlike other wedding invitations, this particular one was written in Pidgin English, a thing which caught attention immediately.

The wedding is between one Sunday and Rejoice and is holding in December at a Living Faith Church in Jalingo.

The invitation reads: “Based On How Body Dey Sweet Us

“We, Sunday and Rejoice wan marry

“Based on say you na awa own personal person, we wan make you show”

The invitation went to detail the time, date and venue of the event.

Social media users have reacted to the invitation, with many finding it very interesting.

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