Kevin Gates – Had To | DOWNLOAD MP3
Kevin Gates has been locked up behind bars. Despite his hindrances, he has released two new songs in “ What If ” and “No Love. ” On Wednesday (Sept. 6) , the embattled MC gifted his devotees the visuals for “What If .”,Disallow yourselves to be troubled in my time of absence. All of the great ones who came before and will come after me: Have had to go through this. By this I am speaking in reference to hardship .
The Walu-directed video portrays a gruesome encounter between neighborhood residents and police. First, cops approach an African American male and soon begin attacking him. Witnesses catch wind of the skirmish and try to put a stop to it. On the flip-side, a single mother does her best to provide for her children, who appear famished after discovering they have no food in the fridge .
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