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Ramriddlz – Pop Rocks | DOWNLOAD MP3



You never know nowadays where one song can you take– it could make you an overnight star, and jumpstart a fanbase, but you can equally, and easily, fall back into obscurity just as quickly after the song passes. It’s not always clear when a new viral hit or, by extension, viral star comes around, if he’ll be able to push pass this fade away and maintain longevity (and longevity, in this context, is also unclear– we won’t know it’s a long-lasting career until it’s long-lasting, and even with the sped-up nature of internet time, we’re not able to speak on this yet for most internet-grown artists).

Basically, what I’m getting to, is that a dude like Ramriddlz seemed poised to be the next viral sensation when “Sweeterman” first dropped, Drake co-signed, etc, he had all the trappings in effect. For whatever reason though, possibly even a conscious or calculated decision on Ramriddlz’s part, he didn’t become the latest bandwagon-internet-rapper, but rather fell back a bit and continued to slowly but surely build a fanbase– which will likely work out better for him in the longrun.


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