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R-Kelly Sued For Imprisoning Young Girls After Promising Them Lucrative Music Contracts



A group of American parents have accused R&B icon R Kelly of holding their daughters against their wills and keeping them for his sexual pleasures.

A BuzzFeed article reports that although on the surface Kelly has not committed any crime, he has brainwashed several young women aged between 18 and 25 of abandoning their families to live with him.

According to the report, there are at least five women who have lived with him in the last one year.

‘A 31-year-old ‘den mother’ who ‘trained’ newcomers on how Kelly liked to be pleasured sexually. She was once the best friends with the girl in the videotape for which Kelly was tried in 2008; a 25 year old woman who also has been with him since she was 1,a 19 year old model who has been photographed in public with R Kelly, a 26 year old songwriter who began her relationship with him when she was 19 and an 18 year-old singer who is said to be his favourite girl at the moment.’

Two other women who once had similar arrangements with R Kelly told Buzzfeed that he charms young women to imagine that their lives with him would be lavish but soon changes when they move in with him. ‘Women who live with R Kelly are not allowed to call their friends and family and call him ‘Daddy.’ They also not allowed to wear anything apart from jogging suits to prevent their bodies from being exposed.’ Strangely enough for someone who once almost got jailed for recording a sexual act with a minor, he reportedly records his sexual activities with these ‘babies’.

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