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Abortion Is Not A Sin, Bcos Not All Babies Born Are Blessing To Their Parents – Nigerian Lady Says



Oluchi Anne, a s*x blogger, left Nigerians in shock after she strongly maintained that abortion is not a sin, adding that she does not believe that babies are blessings..

In a shocking post on Facebook she wrote;

Abortion is not a sin


Don’t ask me for advice on what to do with your unwanted pregnancy because I will tell you to go for a D&C. You see, I am not going to be amongst the women who tell you to keep a baby you are not psychologically or emotionally prepared for.

I do not believe the whole hogwash story that once the baby is born, he will end up being a blessing. Neither do I believe in the bullshit theory that once you hold the baby in your hands, you will be enveloped with so much love.

African people has made it a point of duty to tell anyone seeking help for their unwanted pregnancies that, they should keep the baby. Why? Because they assume abortion is a sin

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