Federal Government Passes Law To Abolish Student Activism
If this new law comes into force, all these ‘aluta’ students, hooligans and vagabonds masquerading as students will not graduate if the assessment comes out negaative.
According to the above, a student’s conduct and character will be part of the requirements for graduation. So if you’re a student activist, you are on your own.
- If you like fighting upandan in school, you are on your own.
- If you like disturbing the peace with rowdy parties, you are on your own
- If you are a cultist, you are on your own.
- If you carry ‘orijo’ aka chips, aka expo and you are caught, you are on your own.
- If you like aluta, you are on your own. In short, from the bill, no more student activism.
You must be of impeccable character, no ‘crazing about’ or truancy.
What do you think, guys?
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