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Yahoo Lists Omotola Among ‘Highest-Grossing Movie Stars You Have Never Heard Of'



Hollywood stars like your Tom Cruises and your Samuel L Jacksons are ten-a-penny these days – you can’t leave the house without seeing their faces plastered on bus stops and the sides of buildings.
What of the actors who have achieved great success but receive no recognition for their work? Why, that bloke you were queing behind in Waitrose could have been one of these guys – the 10 highest-grossing movie stars you’ve never heard of…
Omotola Jalade Ekeinde
Total box-office: Unknown
”We’ll wager not only have you not heard of Omotola Jalade Ekeinde – or ‘Omosexy’ as her fans call her – but we reckon you probably haven’t even heard of the industry she spearheads: Nollywood.
Yes, that’s Nigeria’s version Hollywood, in which Omosexy dominates – she has over 300 film credits to her name (although most go straight to video). In her homeland she’s like a cross between Oprah Winfrey and Kim Kardashian, with her own reality TV series following her and her family.
Though it’s nigh on impossible to determine what her box-office total is, given that the Nigerian film industry is mostly one that distributes through market stalls and street corners, it is estimated to be worth upwards of £320 million a year – and Omosexy is a Nollywood cornerstone”.YAHOO cullage
Omotola is the ONLY Nigerian listed amongst the great names on the list.
The celebrated actress would be celebrating 20years in Nollywood beginning this January.
I join in celebrating her.
everyday as i undergo the stress of motherhood,i want to stand up,arms in the air and scream ”Tola baby how did you manage to juggle Motherhood,Careerhood and Wifeyhood and still be a success?can i borrow your magic wand girl?”

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