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Hackers attack NATO website



Hackers apparently attacked several NATO websites
Saturday, but they did not interrupt operations nor was the integrity
of NATO’s systems affected, NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu
said on Twitter.
The websites were down for several hours from what’s known as
distributed denial-of-service attacks, she said.
CNN was unable to access at least three NATO websites hours after
the NATO statement.
NATO did not say who was responsible, but a Ukrainian website
claiming to belong to a group called Cyber Berkut declared in
Russian that it originated the attack.
“We, Cyber Berkut, announce that today at 6:00 p.m. we started the
cyberattack on NATO resources,” the site proclaims
“We, Cyber Berkut, will not allow the presence NATO occupation
on the territory of our homeland, because it opposes NATO
intervention in Ukraine,” the statement said.
The attack comes the day before a controversial vote on the secession
of Crimea from Ukraine.
Cyber Berkut is a reference to the riot police known as Berkut,
which was used by ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

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