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Nigerian police gun down 5 IPOB members in Ebonyi



At least five members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Ebonyi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, have been reportedly killed in a gun duel with the operatives of the state police command.

According to reports, the incident occurred around 9:30 PM when armed IPOB members, arriving in a blue Sienna bus, launched an attack on the police station.

The confrontation escalated into a fierce gun battle that lasted approximately 30 minutes, during which the police managed to overpower the assailants.

During the intense exchange of gunfire, several police vehicles were set ablaze.

The aftermath of the shootout was grimly highlighted in videos circulated on social media platforms, showing the bodies of the deceased attackers.

Operatives from the state police command headquarters in Abakaliki, along with soldiers, were swiftly mobilized in response to a distress call from the Ishieke Police Station.

A source who spoke with Daily Trust on the incident said, “The gunmen arrived Ishieke Police Station and opened fire. The police responded and it lasted about 30 minutes, before other security operatives came for reinforcement.

“So more security operatives including soldiers came in their numbers to apprehend the hoodlums.

“And the hoodlums on attempt to escape started withdrawing shooting sporadically on the air moving to Odomoke Ishieke market side along Nwiboko Obodo road in Ebonyi Council Area when they met their waterloo in the hands of the advance team.”

It was gathered that the Sienna bus used by the gunmen and the corpses had been taken to the state police headquarters.

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