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JUST IN: Nigerians protest over hunger and economic hardship on Democracy Day (Video)



Amid Nigeria’s commemoration of 25 years of uninterrupted democracy, some citizens have taken to the streets to protest against hunger and economic hardship.

The protesters early hours of Wednesday, June 12, 2024, converged at the Ikeja Underbridge in Lagos under heavy security, chanting solidarity songs and brandishing placards.

Messages on the placards included: ‘President Tinubu, let the poor breathe’, ‘For another general strike with mass protest now’, ‘Payment of living wage to all Nigerian workers now.’

Leading the protest are various civil society organizations, such as the Take It Back Movement, the Education Rights Campaign, the Coalition for Revolution, and the Socialist Workers League.

Nigerians have been grappling with severe economic challenges as the prices of essential goods continue to soar. Unemployment surged to 5.0 percent in the third quarter of 2023 from 4.2 percent in the previous quarter, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics.

The cost of petrol has more than tripled in nine months, while the price of rice, a staple food, has more than doubled in the past year. These statistics underscore the immense difficulties faced by many Nigerians, exacerbated by stagnant wages amidst escalating living costs.

However, the president has asked the citizens to bear with the pain of his economic reforms, assuring that their sacrifices won’t be in vain.

Speaking during a nationwide broadcast earlier todady, the president said; “The reforms we have initiated are intended to create a stronger, better foundation for future growth. There is no doubt the reforms have occasioned hardship. Yet, they are necessary repairs required to fix the economy over the long run so that everyone has access to economic opportunity, fair pay and compensation for his endeavour and labour.”

See the video of the protest below:

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