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Reactions As Mentally Challenged Man Is Sentenced For Stealing



We have chanced upon a social media post that suggests that a Ghanaian man who is mentally challenged has been sentenced to prison for stealing..

This post was shared on Facebook by the popular humanitarian account, Crime Check Foundation and social media users who have seen the post have shared their thoughts about it. The post made reads;

“This gentleman is mentally ill, yet is serving a prison sentence for stealing. Much as we all abhor stealing, didnt the prosecutor see he is mentally ill? The prosecutor’s good judgement could have led the judge (who may not have seen the young man is ill) to order for him to be sent to a psychiatric hospital for medical evaluation. Just imagine the risk other inmates and officers will be predisposed to, having this young man in prison. The Mental Health Authority, mandated to conduct periodic visits to the prisons to assess the mental health of inmates, also appear to have gone to sleep. Agents in the Criminal Justice chain must be up and doing! The Prison Service cannot be faulted. They are a recipient institution. Once you have a valid warrant, they will recieve you.”.

Some reactions the post got are;

Jacob Kusuntu – Can’t he be transferred to a psychiatric hospital? Or the prison officers are now mental healthcare providers?

Adnan Ibn Tamim Cessey – That’s why most of the so call judges don’t end up well in the b4 dying

Vida Appiah – hmm .The family should have reported him to the psychiatric centre for treatment .Such people can even murder someone

Benjamin Boateng – Prison officers should alert authorities if the prosecutor didn’t see. If someone gets sick in there won’t they take him to the hospital? Besides what if he wasn’t mentally ill as at the time of the crime or his mental condition wasn’t obvious for all to see.. in your attempt to help inmates come out, don’t discredit state agents who are helping to maintain laws and order in the country. He stole and the law as stipulated in the constitution was applied. Don’t blame any prosecutor

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