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After reading the Bible 17 times, A man discovered that a word was repeated for 366 times



A narrated how he read a Bible for seventeen times and finds that God repeated a word for 366 times in total. In the scripture, God said “Fear Nothing” many times he said. Which means that in everyday of our life, God keep on asking us to be serene and calm, and to trust and obey him completely. No matter what problems of tribulations you may be passing through, you just have believe that God can solve it.

Maybe you don’t know that a large comets which can wipe out all humanity if one falls on earth passes near the earth which is a problem God solving everyday. So what kinds of problems will you have that will that God won’t be able to solve. But as me, I believe God is in control of what I do or what happens to me, Because he says in his scripture that I should not warry and to fear nothing.

Most people fear death, but as for me I doesn’t because he(Jesus) has said in his word that “he who believes in him is saved and has eternal life” and he has also said that “he will give his Angel charge over me to guide and protect me in all my ways”, so why will I have to fear.

So my dear listeners and viewers, all you need to do is to have faith, and be obedient to his wills, and you will not be afraid anymore! So my dear friend, fear no one, fear nothing because God is your refuge and strength and no misfortune will befall on you.

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