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The World Is Really Ending! See Photos Of Pastors Caught On Camera Doing Filthy Acts In Church



We live in an era of global insecurity, suffering, distress, conflict and increasing spiritual warfare against Christians.

But some people so called pastors have taken this opportunity in disbelief people in the name of power and miracles.

Now a days, people takes religion as jokes, and claiming to be a pastor, directing people into wrong direction in the name of miracle.

Here are some photos of pastors forcing members to do things that are not biblical
I think sometimes it takes a personal decision to know what is right and what is wrong

see pastor asking a member to her hiner part for him to pafom miracle before she can get pregnant

What on earth will a pastor tell someone to drink detto for her to get what she wants.
There are too much of belief on these so called pastors wares we can stay home and pray to God for ourselves not until we go to mountains or churchs befor we can get heal

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